(206) 595-1365

Diverse Circle of Hands

A Dynamic Diversity Training Program

Before you can make any substantive and sincere progress towards a more integrated and equitable team structure, your organization will have to confront the legacy of centuries-long inequality. The good news Is that you don't have to go at it alone. CCC's Principal Consultant, Greg Taylor, offers a slate of carefully developed workshops to help you create a meaningful diversity training program.

As your team building consultant, he can help you understand the issues that many of your employees of color face and how they relate to structural conditions, personal behavior, and more. With this knowledge, you'll be more equipped to face leadership challenges and provide a welcoming, supportive environment for your team members to do their best work.


New Workshops

An analysis to critical thinking

An Analysis of Critical Thinking:

What is critical thinking? What does it mean to think critically? Today thinking independently with accuracy often comes at a price. It may affect one’s career, social standing, or personal and professional relationships. The absence of critical thinkers has impacted our leadership choices across every sector, and as a direct result, how well we evolve as a society that functions in the best interest of us all. What has shaped the unwillingness to ask simple questions in search of truthful answers. How did we arrive at a time and space where we lack shared common agreements on what is true or false, right or wrong, or just or unjust? Why does most media outlets fail at asking critical questions like, who, what, when, where, why, and how based on facts and evidence?

These are just a few of the questions we will explore, examine and analyze during this timely and relevant interactive training that will include small and large group discussions, some lecture, and experiential activity. Critical thinking is the path to higher personal, professional and societal development and evolution. It furthers the sustainability of human and all other life forms within this shared ecosystem. During this course participants will,

Participants will:

  • Increase their understanding on the benefits & importance of critical thinking in our personal, professional and community decision making.
  • Identify the obstacles & challenges that inhibit critical thinking such as, biases, social pressures, & emotional influences.
  • Develop critical thinking skills by practicing techniques for analyzing information, identifying biases, evaluating evidence & constructing sound verifiable narratives.
  • Cultivate a critical thinking mindset that centers intellectual and spiritual curiosity, that is open-minded and is willing to question assumptions.

Introduction to Intersectionality

Introduction to Intersectionality

"Intersectionality is a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage sometimes compound themselves and create obstacles that often are not understood among conventional ways of thinking."
- Kimberle Crenshaw

Kimberle Crenshaw introduced the concept of “Intersectionality” in 1989 when she identified how Black women experience discrimination based on both race and gender, and that intersectionality can be applied to other forms of discrimination such as, class, religion, sexual orientation, ability, age, nationality and more. Many times, within the workplace some people are unaware of the multiple intersections that impact the lives and work experiences of marginalized individuals, groups, or communities. This workshop will guide and inform those who are interested in learning about and understanding intersectionality.

During this workshop participants will increase their overall awareness on the concept of intersectionality and what it means. Through small and large group discussions and experiential activities participants will gain deep knowledge of how intersectionality connects with and plays a central role with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives and strategies. Further, they will develop insights on how to utilize, promote and leverage their understanding of this connection through a lens that centers and cultivates intersectionality into their work with individuals, groups, and community members.

Participants will:

  • Increase their awareness and understanding on the concept of intersectionality, and that we must remain vigilante in centering intersectionality with marginalized individuals, groups and community members.
  • Gain deep knowledge of the symbiotic connection between Intersectionality and DEIB and why they must be mutually pursued.
  • Learn to utilize, leverage, promote and cultivate their intersectionality lens into their work with marginalized individuals, groups, and community’s.

When Women Lead: Evidence Shows Promise for Our Collective future

When it comes to leadership there’s never a shortage of men, more precisely white men ready and willing to fill the role whether qualified or not to occupy leadership positions. Women make up more than half the workforce, in 2022 the labor force participation rate for women was 56.8%, and in some sectors the labor participation rate is as high as 75%. How is it then, that men overwhelmingly dominate leadership roles and CEO positions across just about every sector? Fortune 500 CEOs are overwhelmingly dominated by men 88.8%, white men particularly 88.1%. In 2023 women represented 10.4% of CEOs according to Fortune, women of color represent less than 2%. This leads us to the question, are men overwhelmingly better leaders than women? Scientific research says this is not the case.

When Women Lead: Evidence Shows Promise for Our Collective future

According to PEW Research 58% of Americans say women must do more to prove themselves than men, 71% of women agree with this. In a 2020 study led by Alice Eagly PhD, professor of psychology emerita at Northwestern University states, “women are now seen as equally or more competent as men.” The study included data from 16 nationally representative public opinion polls involving 30,000 adults from 1946 to 2018. Neuroscientist Shonte Jovan Taylor states “women and men are equally brilliant, but women are designed to use their brains differently.” Due to a large prefrontal cortex (the most advanced part of the brain), she states the female brain is built for judgement and focus. A neuroscience study from Cambridge University found women scoring an average of 10 points higher on an 80-point “Empathy Quotient” test than men did.

Further studies agree that women excel in other leadership functions like, forethought, impulse-control, organization, planning, collaboration, and communication. Who’s leading your team? Does your leadership team exercise and demonstrate good judgment, impulse-control, focus, forethought, organizational skill, collaboration ability and communication skills?

In this workshop participants will:

  • Deepen awareness about the historical disparity in leadership roles in the workplace between women & men.
  • Examine how women have historically been denied opportunity to break through the glass ceiling in workplace leadership roles.
  • Develop & cultivate strategies to shift this paradigm & elevate/promote woman to more leadership roles across every sector.

Greg Taylor Headshot

" I appreciate Greg as a trainer , he is clear and communicates concepts well "

"I enjoyed the very plain talk about the reality of racism, bias in our culture, rather than trying to be diplomatic"


White Allyship Transformation: Advocate, Ally, Abolitionist, Accomplice to Co-Conspirator

Throughout this country’s history, there have been anti-racist white people who stood against the dehumanization, enslavement, exploitation of Africans, and the genocide and theft of land of Indigenous People. They were white advocates, allies, abolitionist, accomplices, and co-conspirators. And despite being grossly outnumbered by most racist, immoral, hateful, and pernicious white people, they decided to fight for full freedom, equality, and inclusion during a violently hostile epoch that was savagely oppressing Black and Indigenous Peoples.

This training reminds us of those brave, bold, and courageous white people who during the last five centuries, embraced their humanity by first advocating, and thus becoming, ally, abolitionist, accomplices, and co-conspirators for justice. They risked, some even gave their lives to advance freedom, liberation, and self-determination for Black, and Indigenous Peoples. Today’s racially- charged turbulent times offer new opportunities across all sectors, and throughout every area of people activity (personal, professional, and community networks) for white advocacy, allyship, abolitionism, accomplices, and co-conspirators to take the appropriate actions that finally establishes political, economic, and judicial equity and inclusion for Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC).

During this training participants will develop or expand their understanding on the process of becoming and evolving, from advocate to ally, abolitionist to accomplice, and ultimately, becoming a co-conspirator. These roles all have varying power relational dynamics among BIPOC, and thus varying racial equity impacts across areas of influence. In this training.

Participants will:

  • Learn of the courageous white allies & abolitionists who knew from America’s earliest history that enslavement, land theft, forced labor, & genocide was horribly wrong.
  • Develop or expand their understanding on the process of evolving from advocate to ally, abolitionist to accomplice, and ultimately, becoming a co-conspirator.
  • Cultivate a keen awareness of what will be necessary to continue to strengthen, grow and evolve as an effective accomplice and co-conspirator.

Recognizing & Interupting Implict Biases & Microaggressions

Microaggressions - “Brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color.”

Derald Wing Sue PhD

These persistent abuses can be experienced across many social identities such as: race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, nationality, disability, and religion. It is generally the well-intentioned individual who is most likely to commit a microaggression and thus defend their behavior by explaining their intent, however, intent does not negate nor eliminate the impact.

In this training participants will develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between implicit biases and microaggressions. Through lecture in a historically relevant context, experiential activities, and group discussions, participants will increase their self-awareness in identifying microaggressions while learning how to become an active bystander and interrupt microaggressions throughout all their areas of people activity which includes their personal, professional and community environments.

Participants will:

  • Gain a deeper awareness of the historical root causes of implicit biases and microaggressions.
  • Develop the ability to recognize and interrupt implicit biases and microaggressions in their personal, professional and community spaces.
  • Cultivate their ongoing understanding and practice to reframe false narratives that perpetuate implicit biases and microaggressions.

Recognizing & Interrupting Microaggression"The workshop provided me a better understanding of microaggressions, and how to recognize them in myself and others"



Practical Steps for the Anti-Racist

A Practical Approach to Antiracism: Principles, Practices, & Policies

In today’s turbulent times, we are persistently and perilously divided and misguided by leaders who choose racist narratives that promote fear, hate, and the oppression of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color). America has yet to keep its promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness equally to BIPOC and, instead, more often has served up inequity, disparity, oppression, and injustice.

At this critical and pivotal time in our history, there is an opportunity for a collective effort to correct the inequities and injustices of the past and present and usher in a more promising future. We can begin this process by learning how to imagine and create anti-racist ideas, principles, practices, and policies as we change our attitudes towards each other and demonstrate that the desire to gain should be more powerful than the fear of loss.

In this workshop, participants will learn to identify racist and anti-racist ideas and increase their ability to challenge and interrupt racist principles, practices, and policies that appear neutral on the surface yet hide disparate outcomes for marginalized groups. Participants will experience the historical context that reveals some of our present-day principles, practices, and policies as they were originally conceived, narrated, and instituted. Finally, participants will develop practical skills to imagine and create ideas that lead to anti-racist principles, practices, and policies and to learn how to cultivate their own anti-racist attitudes and behavior.

Participants will:

  • Increase their awareness to identify the difference between racist and anti-racist principles, practices, and policies.
  • Gain historical insights into why and how racist ideas were designed, framed, narrated, and implemented.
  • Develop practical skills on creating anti-racist ideas, principles, practices, and policies.
  • Strengthen and cultivate their own anti-racist attitudes and behavior

Greg Taylor Headshot

Reimagining Racial Inclusion

What if the collective majority of white Americans acknowledged that the cost for authentic racial inclusion required the same intent, energy, effort, and investments that were vigilantly made for a system of racial exclusion imposed for centuries?

In 1883 the Supreme Court struck down the first Civil Rights Act; this ushered in Jim Crow and the Black Codes. Every white man, woman, and child were deputized by state, local, and federal government to have unfettered authority to police and exclude Black people from all forms of public, private spaces, and opportunities.

White people now were given the protection of law, to enforce, policy, societal practices and punish through violence, the exclusion of Black people from equal citizenship, and to be seen as human. Such an awful power to give to people filled with a lust to believe in white racial superiority. This epoch would lead to generations of barbaric dehumanization against Black people and other marginalized groups.

Today there are liberal and so-called progressive cries for racial inclusion across all sectors, we conduct trainings, workshops, symposiums, social and political discussions about why and how we can become a more inclusive society. But if we are truly honest, we must reject the narratives that suggest incrementalism is the answer, or that the (BIPOC), who were systematically excluded from equal access and opportunity throughout this country’s history, are expected to put in the same work as those who meticulously constructed exclusive laws and policies in the first place!

What happens when the collective majority of white people accept the fact, that they are the beneficiaries of generations of exclusionary policies, practices, and laws that they say they want to dismantle to create an equitable and inclusionary society? Do they fully understand the real generational cost? Are they prepared to commit to pay the real price for true authentic racial inclusion? In this training,

Participants will:

  • Acknowledge the history of racial white supremacy exclusion, cultivated over generations, on Black, Indigenous, and other POC in America.
  • Recognize that the imperative of creating authentic, meaningful, equitable inclusion across all sectors will require those who created it (white people), cultivated, and enforced violent exclusion over many generations, must do the heavy lift.
  • Learn how to reimagine policies, investment of resources, and effort that it will take towards authentically pursuing equitable, inclusive outcomes across all sectors for all BIPOC and other marginalized groups.
  • Identify what you can personally do to cultivate your own action steps as a white ally and abolitionist to eliminate racial white supremacy exclusion.

The Erosion of Empathy:
The Cause, Cure & Cultivation of The Empathy Quotient (EQ)

We all have biases, both implicit and explicit. Everyone has some type of prejudice, including those considered to be the best among us. There are some who have explicit racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic views, opinions, and attitudes. But, in all of this, many people are simply evil; they exist without care, concern, conscience, empathy, or remorse for black, brown people, and other marginalized groups as they perniciously pursue and dehumanize these groups to justify inhumane legal and illegal acts against them.

Greg Taylor

In his book, Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave & Exterminate Others, author David Livingstone Smith states, to conceive a person or people as being subhuman, “they are imagined to have the essence of creatures that elicit negative responses, such as, disgust, fear, hatred and contempt, and are usually thought of as predators, unclean animals or prey.” Those individuals who believe in dehumanization reflect an absence or erosion of empathy. Today, society increasingly has made it more feasible for individuals such as them to live as though their behavior, attitudes, and actions should be expected and accepted as normal.

In his book The Science of Evil: On Empathy and The Origins of Cruelty, Simon Baron Cohen defines empathy in this way, “empathy occurs when we suspend our single-minded focus of attention and instead adopt a double-minded focus of attention.” He goes on to say that empathy is our ability to do two things at once, first to have the ability to identify what someone else is thinking, feeling, or experiencing, and second, to respond to their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the appropriate action. There is scientific evidence that we can increase our empathy quotient; it is malleable for most people!

Participants will:

  • Learn how to increase self-awareness about empathy and measure their own “Empathy Quotient.”
  • Develop skill in identifying the absence of emphatic behavior and attitudes and actions within their personal, professional, and community spaces.
  • Understand the reason and need for expanding and cultivating their EQ and why complacency perpetuates the status quo
  • Experience how to courageously confront, interrupt and redirect behavior, attitudes, and actions that reflect the absence of empathy.

Other Workshops

The Application of Principled Leadership

The Application of Principled Leadership During Divisive & Turbulent Times

Those who lead by principle do what is right only because it is right, for right and just reasons. They do not consult political correctness on the eve of important decisions. Quite the contrary, they are fully accountable and willing to stand alone if necessary. They simply make the tough call even in the face of unjust pushback and resistance.

Everything rises and falls on the hand and helm of some form of leadership. In life, we are all leaders on some level. Someone is always listening to our words and observing our actions to determine if we walk the talk. Who do you view as a mentor and take cues from and why? Who are the bold and courageous leaders that influence, inspire and move you into action for just causes?

This workshop is for those who understand the connection between racial bias, power, privilege, and position that has created and cultivated a mind-bending narrative that has produced the absence of principled leaders among our midst, across all sectors. We need leaders with the courage to challenge status-quo policies, practices, and patterns that continue to promote and foster inequity and oppression and to support actions that promote equity, inclusions, and justice.

Participants will:

  • Deepen their understanding of the historical narrative that has been contextualized by a post-genocidal nation founded on exclusion and racial difference.
  • Challenge participants to take the personal inventory of their leadership profile and the present and potential impact they have on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Broaden their understanding and comprehension to readily identify the key characteristics of authentic, principled leadership and how to effectively practice it in all environments.

Race, Bias, and Dissonance: Understanding How They Intersect With Inequity

At the cornerstone of every organization is the ability to rationally and empathetically process our interactions with others while making sound judgments about the experiences we share with them. Jammed between reason, emotion, and authentic connection, implicit bias, and cognitive dissonance create practical consequences for people of color in the form of equitable access to housing, education, healthcare, and more. Uncover these barriers to equality and effective cooperation with this workshop, available in two parts.

Race, Bias, and Dissonance:

Participants will:

  • Increase awareness of biases and how they negatively impact people of color.
  • Gain deeper insight into how cognitive dissonance influences our behavior & actions.
  • Strengthen your efforts of dialogue and conversation as a racial justice advocate.
  • Develop greater awareness & appreciation of historical contributions made by people of color.

Race, Bias, and Dissonance II

Race, Bias & Dissonance II:
Beyond Awareness, Into Concrete/Incongruent Action Steps

“Equity and Inclusion at Work” should first easily be recognized, shared, and understood by workers within their work environment, and then felt and experienced by clients, customers, partners, and everyone else that they come into contact with. Equity/inclusion in our personal and community networks, likewise, should reflect the same. Equity is not a garment to be worn in certain places on certain occasions. It must be woven, nurtured, and cultivated into the very fabric of who we are and who we are becoming where ever we may find ourselves in this process!

This workshop is part II of “Race, Bias & Dissonance: Understanding How They Intersect With Inequity, that I introduced several years ago. It is an introduction to the concept & connection of racism, implicit bias & cognitive dissonance and how they intersect, operate & support each other through decisions that we make in our day-to-day routines within the workplace, home, and community. In RBD II, we start from the context of knowing and having an awareness of our implicit biases. It is highly recommended that participants take the Race & Gender Sciences, Implicit Association Test (IAT) prior to attending this workshop to maximize their experiential learning opportunities (I provide an emailed attachment with instructions for registered participants).

It is through explicit & conscious understanding and awareness of our implicit, unconscious associations/biases that we are capable of becoming responsible, realizing & knowing why we must join in the collective effort to lay the bricks & mortar of equity/inclusion in building authentic work environments along with personal and community networks of inclusion for all.

Participants will:

  • Increase understanding of how to effectively engage in authentic & meaningful dialogue about race in professional, personal & community environments.
  • Develop deeper insight in identifying implicit bias & how it impacts equity & inclusion through decisions that we make in our daily routines.
  • Gain greater knowledge of the distorted historical context & how it impacts people of color.
  • Learn concrete action steps to eliminate systemic oppression through policy, practices & procedures in your workplace, personal & community networks.

Immigrant/Refugee Integration: Successful Strategies for Welcoming our New Americans

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the barriers that inhibit successful and meaningful immigrant/refugee integration and dialogue into our communities. Participants will experience "The Refugee Project; Walk In My Shoes," an education simulation coordinated by Sandra Vanderpol of World Relief. The simulation includes being transformed into refugees escaping for their lives; participants will undergo mock interviews by immigration authorities, as well as listen to a local refugee's inspiring story.

Immigrant/Refugee Integration

Participants will learn:

  • New outreach strategies that strengthen meaningful interaction and engagement between New Americans and receiving community members.
  • Communication strategies cultivate and emphasize the positive aspects of a united and diverse community between New Americans and mainstream populations.
  • Learn how to engage and encourage the participation of mainstream leaders in efforts that build community among immigrant/refugee populations.

Immigrant/Unauthorized Immigrant Integration

Immigrant/Unauthorized Immigrant Integration: How Detainment/Deportation Destabilizes Our Communities

Many people don't know what happens to an unauthorized immigrant that is arrested or apprehended and has no criminal record but had their visa expired, or they entered the country by unauthorized means. There is a shocking reality that most are unaware of that's literally, tragically devastating the lives of people who live and work all around us. Families are severely impacted, and so are our communities.

This workshop is for policymakers, administrators, educators, service providers, and those interested in a deeper understanding and perspective on this issue. We all interact with unauthorized people throughout our communities. It is important to raise our awareness if we are to be successful in redefining the narrative about creating safe and welcoming communities for our new Americans, as well as cultivating a political climate for comprehensive immigration reform.

Participants will:

  • Gain an increased awareness of how the immigration detention system operates.
  • Examine what conversations we need to engage in to reshape the destructive narrative that is being promoted.
  • Identify specific steps and actions to take within your personal, professional, and community networks to promote immigration reform policies that work.
  • Learn about efforts that they can join and support to assist detainees and their families.

Post-Racial America: Are We There Yet? Beyond The Myth, Towards Courageous Change

A major challenge for racial justice advocates today is how do we move the popular understanding of racism and inequity from the narrow view of individual prejudice to the much broader awareness of systemic inequality. Through active learning and panel discussions, participants will gain deeper insights into how different types of racism operate simultaneously in our everyday situations and explore solutions that address systems rather than the symptoms of inequality. During this workshop, participants will also learn strategies that emphasize equity, inclusion, and unity.

Post-Racial America

Participants will:

  • Gain more profound insight into how to identify the different types of racism and what to do when you encounter them.
  • Learn hands-on strategies for positive social change practice in personal and professional relationships.
  • Develop a racial justice leadership lens that succeeds in opening and facilitating non-threatening conversations about race.
  • Strengthen your efforts and actions as a racial justice advocate.


Books and Articles

Alexander, M. (2012). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. The New Press. 

Blackmon, D. (2009). Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II. Anchor. 

Blinderman, C. (1986). The Piltdown Inquest. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.

Browder, A. (2004). Egypt on the Potomac: A guide to Decoding Egyptian Architecture and Symbolism in Washington, D.C. Washington D.C.: The Institute of Kharmic Guidance.

Browder, A. (1989). From the Browder File: 22 Essays on the African American Experience. Washington, D.C.: The Institute of Karmic Guidance.

Coates, T. (2015). Between the World and Me. New York, NY: Spiegel & Grau.

DeGruy, J. (2005). Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing. Portland, OR: Joy DeGruy Publications Inc. 

Ghandnoosh, N. (2014). “Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive Policies.” The Sentencing Project. Retrieved from http://www.sentencingproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Race-andPunishment.pdf

Greenwald, A., & Banaji, M. (2013). Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People. New York, NY: Delacorte Press.

Hall, R. (1998). Cognitive Dissonance: The Theory. Psychology World. Retrieved from https://web.mst.edu/~psyworld/cognitive_dissonance.htm

James, G. (1989). Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy. Norfolk, VA: United Bros. & United Sisters Communications Systems Inc.

Jones, J. (2015) A Dreadful Deceit: The Myth of Race from the Colonial Era to Obama’s America. Basic Books.

Kaplan, H.R. (2011). The Myth of Post-racial America: Searching for Equality in the Age of Materialism. R & L Education.

Katznelson, I. (2005). When Affirmative Action was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 

Loewen, J. (2007). Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. New York, NY: Touchstone. 

Muhammad, K. (2010). The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 

Palmer, R. (1966). A History of the Modern World (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Knopf.

Rogers, J. A. (2011). World’s Great Men of Color (Kindle ed.). New York, NY: Touchstone.

Ross, H. (2014). Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Staats, C., Capatosto, K., Wright, R. A., & Contractor, D. (2015). State of the Science: Implicit Bias Review 2015. Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Retrieved from http://kirwaninstitute.osu.edu/my-product/2015-state-of-thescience-implicit-bias-review

Stamper, N. (2016). To Protect and Serve: How to Fix America’s Police. Nation Books.

Stone, M. (1976). When God was a Woman: The landmark exploration of the ancient worship of the Great Goddess and the eventual suppression of women’s rites. New York, NY: Harcourt, Inc.

Van Sertima, I. (1983). Blacks in Science: ancient and modern. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Wilkerson, Isabel. (2011). The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. Vintage.

Williams, C. (1946). And If I Were White: A Reply to the “If I Were A Negro Series” by Prominent White Writers. Washington D.C.: Shaw Publishing Company.

Wilson, A. N. (1993). The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness: Eurocentric History, Psychiatry, and the Politics of White Supremacy (AWIS Lecture Series). Brooklyn, NY: Afrikan World InfoSystems.

Wright, B. E. (1985). The Psychopathic Racial Personality: and Other Essays (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Third World Press.

Children’s Book List

6 & under

Diakite?, B. W., & Diakite?, P. (2006). I Lost my Tooth in Africa. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.

Hamilton, V., Dillon, D, & Dillon, L. (2004). The People Could Fly The Picture Book. New York, NY: Dragonfly Books. 

10 to 16

Nelson, K. (2011). Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans. New York, NY: Balzer + Bray.

Weatherford, C. B., & Nelson, K. (2006). Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom. New York, NY: Hyperion Books for Children.

On the Web - Videos and documentaries

Adelman, L. (Executive Producer/Series Creator). (2003). RACE - The Power of an Illusion [Documentary]. United States: California Newsreel. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/race/000_General/000_00-Home.htm

Browne, K. (Director), Kovgan, A. (Director), Ray, J. (Director). (2008). Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North [Documentary]. United States: The American Documentary. Retrieved from http://www.tracesofthetrade.org/

Christ, A. (Director). (2016). Out of Darkness: A Film by Δ† [Documentary]. United States: Building Seven Media Company. Retrieved from http://outofdarknessfilm.com/

Desmond-Harris, Jenée. [Vox]. (2014, October 10). 11 Ways Race Isn’t Real. [Video File]. Retrieved from http://www.vox.com/2014/10/10/6943461/race-social-construct-originscensus [dothetest]. (2008, March 10). Test Your Awareness: Do The Test. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQdMgtncpoE

[Frank White]. (2015, July 12). Bias News Media Coverage Against Blacks vs. Whites. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRknjB2WsaQ

Green, L. [lacigreen]. (2015, May 8). Is Racism Really Over Yet? [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/h_hx30zOi9I Holtrof, C. [Ancestral Productions]. (2014, March 1). Anthony T. Browder - Egypt on the Potomac. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/SXCafoGpZ9M

[INFAMOUSHGC]. (2014, December 17). The Event: How Racist Are You with Jane Elliott. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/7cCkrP2Pcug

Nasheed, T. (Director). (2016). Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy [Documentary]. United States: King Flex Entertainment. Retrieved from http://hiddencolorsfilm.com/

Pollard, S. (Producer/Director). (2012). Slavery By Another Name [Documentary]. United States: PBS. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/tpt/slavery-by-another-name/home/

Resnick, B. [Vox]. (2016, April 7). These Scientists Can Prove It’s Possible to Reduce Prejudice. [Article]. Retrieved from http://www.vox.com/2016/4/7/11380974/reduce-prejudicescience-transgender

[wondertrip]. (2016, January 2). Being Black by Jane Elliot. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/4yrg7vV4a5o

[vlogbrothers]. (2014, December 30). Racism in the United States: By the Numbers. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQdMgtncpoE

[yocom2]. (2006, December 8). Beyond Belief: The Table Top Illusion with Mahzarin Banaji. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/PJ0sNmLH_IQ


“A History of Racial Injustice” by the Equal Justice Initiative http://racialinjustice.eji.org/

“About the IAT” by Project Implicit https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/iatdetails.html

“Bias Cleanse” by MTV’s look different and the Kirwan Institute http://www.lookdifferent.org/what-can-i-do/bias-cleanse

“We Are America” http://lovehasnolabels.com.

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